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List of Irish Triangulation Pillers within 20Km of D173297

Grid Ref (no spaces):
For more local information on this location see nearby.org.uk
CountNameTypeCountyOS mapGrid Ref.HeightDistance
1TrostanPTP75Antrim9 D1795623593332.96.1173 Yes (4)
2KnocklaydPTP75Antrim5 D1151736392515.78.8320 Yes (2)
3CarnanmoreTPAntrim5 D21783877379m10.126 Yes (1)
4KnockoreTPAntrim9 D27592261359m12.4124 No
5CarncormickTPAntrim9 D16911433436m15.3182 Yes (1)

Based on data compiled by Trigonomy - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/trigonomy/
Town, County and OS Map No. supplied by Colin Park
A few TPs not on the original list have been added by Trigpointing Ireland users.

20Km radius marked in 50Km square.
Yellow = No reports.
Green = Good condition.
Blue = There is a problem, see reports for more information.
Red= Missing.